Save the date! 25-27 March, 2025 | Valencia, Spain

Autonomous vehicles: cars & buses

Wed 14 Feb | 12:00 - 12:40

Level 4 autonomous cars represent a transformative phase in sustainable mobility, with the capability to operate without human input. These self-driving vehicles, equipped with advanced sensors and algorithms, promise to reshape travel by easing traffic congestion, enhancing safety, and reducing emissions. Expected to surpass traditional vehicles in efficiency, they can optimize travel routes and decrease fuel consumption. Moreover, they are poised to revolutionize on-demand transport services, including ride and car-sharing, while potentially reducing urban parking demands by relocating themselves when not in use. Importantly, autonomous vehicles could provide mobility solutions for those who cannot drive, such as the elderly and disabled, signifying a major leap towards inclusive, sustainable transportation for the future.

Javier Vazquez Jorge

Javier Vazquez Jorge

Responsable de Producto de Movilidad Inteligente


Jesús Javier Espelosín Ortega

Jesús Javier Espelosín Ortega

Robotic engineer


Cağdaş Adiyeke

Cağdaş Adiyeke

International Sales Director

Karsan Automotive

Lluis Altes

Lluis Altes

Senior Business Solutions Strategist
